Top row:  Steve Petrakis, JoAnne Schuepfer Little, Pam Dorner-Saxhaug
Middle row:  Ken Kaczynski, Cheri Smith Kirwan, Bob Lupo
Bottom row:  Jackie Jacobs Medema, Sue Miceli Zinck

Back in July 2020, in the middle of this crazy COVID-19 pandemic, the 50th Reunion Committee held its first meeting, via Zoom, to optimistically plan for the big reunion celebration.  Since then, the committee continues to meet monthly via Zoom, updating plans, monitoring the status of the pandemic and keeping a close eye on the ever changing guidelines and protocols implemented by the State of Illinois which may have an impact on our reunion
now re-scheduled for April 29th and 30th of 2022.

It has been fun to come together each month, sharing ideas, making plans and enjoying each other’s company. Zoom has allowed classmates from around the country to participate.  Sue logs in from South Carolina, Pam from Indiana and Jackie from Michigan.  Sometimes Steve is in Wisconsin, sometimes in Arizona.  Bob, JoAnne, Cheri and Ken are all holding down the fort back in Illinois.  However, we are all planning to be in Norridge, Illinois the weekend of April 29th and 30th.  We are really hoping to see as many of you as possible that weekend.  Stay safe and healthy until then!