Missing Classmates . . .
Where Are They Now???

It has been the Reunion Committee’s goal to communicate information about our 50th Reunion plans to as many former classmates as possible.  We have been working tirelessly, making phone calls, sending messages via email and Facebook, and searching the Internet in a quest to put together a contact list of emails, addresses and phone numbers.  Despite all of efforts, we are still missing many of our former Rebel friends.

Can you help us find the classmates listed below? 

Please review the list.  If you can provide contact information (email, address, phone number, married name), please fill in the information below on the form that is provided and submit to the reunion committee.

Janice Allen
James Anderson
Germaine Butz
Sue Chievrue
Marianne Ciliak
Verna Cockhill (Osika)
Sue Cusamano
Leo Fornelli
Pam Gonzalez
Pam Hart
Patrick Hayes
Tim Holt
Debbie Hutton

Sophie Janik
Sherry Johnsen (Larson?)
Cathy Keippel
Steve Korte
Karen Krummel

Olga Kujbida
Jean Lemke
Leonard Liberio
Agneta Lingon
Terry Long
Jay Lorch
Bonnie Maday
Karen Majewski Hyne

Barbara Martello
Michael Matthews
Jolanda Mikula

Jan Misenheimer
Richard Mueller
Carol Mylander
Mike Nelson
Terry Netko
Connie Nicopoulos
Victor Nigro
Carol Nylander
John Palmeri
Sue Pappas

Frank Pernice
Charles Picardi
Georgeann Pogar

Eveline Rehm
James Roberts
Ida Ruffolo
Nancy Safranek
Judi Sandor
Mark Semp
Gino Triggiano
Robert Turek
Peggy Wiegert

*Updated 06/14/2021

Missing Classmate Contact Form

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